Tuesday, February 1, 2011

theme Thursday : turn

Life throws you it's road , the clock of time wont wait for any one , you have to wake , you'r heading somewhere , you've pictured the road
you get to a point where you have to turn left
unplanned turn , and this might ruin your plan
how do you get there now ?! how to deal with this new road
you see your goal behind you
your waking away from it and you can't help it
you have to walk
so what do you do?
keep dreaming? or try to forget and dream a new dream?
give up and accept it as not meant to be?
or keep on the hope that one day life will some how
have another detour for you back to that dream
that golden sparkling dream?
i guess the logical thing would be
looking forward and seeing the best way to go
setting up other goals and achieving  them
but keeping hope that one day you'll get a chance
to go down that road
to go to your golden dream
but logic doesn't make it any less sad
to walk away from that road
to your dream
even if it's just for now

a fun recipe : tuna salad

wanna have a nice mouthwatering healthy quick easy to do lunch ! or do have to bring some food to some event your a part of , will one thing for sure this tuna salad is an easy smash hit every time

you'll need:
a red , green and yellow sweet pepper
cinnamon powder
Sesame  juice ; a thick liquid that you can find in oriental section
soy sauce
a small Onion
whole wheat bread
tuna , canned or roasted fillet
some canned or frozen corn
a lemon
fresh or dried oregano
mint leaves
 preparation :
if you have your tuna as a fillet then season it with salt and pepper and put it in a heated pan with some olive oil , seven to ten minutes on each side .
finely chop your veggies 
mix to together tow table spoons of  vinegar with three table spoons of the sesame juice with a couple of table spoons of soy sauce , and the juice of one lemon , finely chop a handful of mint and add to the mix , with some crushed oregano , add a table spoon of  Cary , a tea spoon of Cinnamon , tow table spoons of yogurt , your veggies and your defrosted corn .
if your tuna is a fillet chop it to byte size pieces , then mix it all together
serve in a bowl , on top of some toasted whole grain bread
garnish with a drizzle of sesame juice , some mint leaves .

Bon appetit!