Sunday, October 30, 2011


انتِ هي بعدي الضائع
 انتِ افراحي و احزاني
انت الضوضاء في صخبٍ
و انت دقاتُ ساعاتي
عيني رأتكِ فما عدتَ
ابصر بها سوى عيناكِ
انتِ منقذتي و قاتلتي
و انت خاتمة اسفاري
 لك غنيت فما بعدُ
رفت في شجوٍ اوتاري
و انين حنينٍ يدفعني
للموت بشوقٍ جبارِ
و اقف هنالك في خجلٍ
في وجه جمالِك محتارِ
ماذا اقول وقد انتحرت
كل عباراتي و لغاتي
فانا في حضوركِ لا املك
الا عيناك و احزاني

نفذت احباري و قد وسمت
بزيفٍ كل اوراقي
و منفضتي فيضاً حُرِقت
و حرقت معها اشعاري
كانت زركشةً قد سترت
 بعضٌ من ضعفي و اوهاني
فكل حروفي قد سقطت
 امام جمالٍ رباني
ارأتني عينك ام لمحت
عيني في طرفك وجداني
يا سوسنة عطر فاحت
قبل جبران و قباني
و لثغرك حرب اندلعت
و انسل السيف الغساني
و انا يا حلوتي كاجدادي
اسير وردة نيسانُ
محوت لي ماضييَ
و رسمتِ الغد بفنجانِ
يا امرأةً رأيت بها نفسي
و عرتني امام  مرآتي
انت استجابة صلواتي
و انت لعنة الحادي
و انا لا ادري لما اكتب
و لساني يشتم نقصاني
في حضورك انت لا يروى
شعرٌ بلسان انساني
فانا امامك لا املك
الا عيناك و احزاني

Friday, October 14, 2011

انا بحكيلك القصة : الاردن

انا بحكيلك القصة :
الاردن :
في دولة شحيحة الموارد اوجدها عبث التاريخ بمرحلة نهاية الانتدابات الاوروبية بالشرق الاوسط بعد الحرب العالمية الاولى , لا اهمية لها تذكر ولا شعب يستحق الذكر ولا تحديد جغرافي يوجب بان تكون دولة , بين عبث مصالح الانتداب و اتفاقيات عبدالله الاول تشكلت الاردن , التي قويت وعمرت من قبل وفود اللاجئين المتحضرين على اهلها البدو الجهل من الضفة الغربية ليعمروها وتصبح دولة , هذا السيناريو يعزف على اوتاره كثيرا في الأونة الاخيرة ,
بتجاهل كامل لتاريخ الاردن المجيد عبر الاف السنين من الحضارات العظيمة المتعاقبة التي ببعض الاحيان حكمت معظم المنطقة , مثل حضارات الغساسنة والانباط والمناذرة , وانه تعمر على يد كل من سكنه من سكان اصليين هم اصحاب ارض استقبلوا اخوانهم من العرب وغيرهم وهؤلاء ايضا ساهموا بدور مميز في بناء الاردن , اليوم وفي تغيير كبير في السياسة الدولية بخصوص الشرق الاوسط , العدو الاكبر اليوم للمصالح الغربية والاسرائيلية هي ايران , وعلى ما يبدوا قد قرر الغرب وضع يده بيد الاخوان من جهة بوساطة تركية واصحاب المال والاعمال من جهة اخرى دعما لحركات تغيير في الانظمة كلية او جزئية في المنطقة , تضمن بهذه الحركة امريكا وحلفائها انها فائزة في كل الظروف , فاذا بقيت الانظمة فهي بالاساس عميلة لها بمجملها ما عدا سوريا طبعا وهذا لا يعني ان النظام السوري ليس عميل , هو فقط عميل للطرف الايراني , واذا ذهبت هذه الانظمة فالقادر على تشكيل معارضة منظمة ذات شعبية واسعة هم شريحتين , الاولى السياسيين من رجال الاعمال او المدعومين منهم وهؤلاء يدعون لمظاهر التغرب مع باطن فاسد وتدعمهم ثرواتهم التي سيوظفها اعلاميا وسياسيا , والاخرى هي الاخوان والسلفيين وهم يدعون لدولة اسلامية لكن طبعا سنية مما يناسب المصالح الامريكية في هذه اللحظة . لذا كما نرى فان التغيير كله هو مجرد تلاعب غربي إيراني في الاحجار بلعبة سني-شيعي قذرة .
وطبعا بينما المعارضة بكل اطيافها تحاول حلب غضب الشارع من الجوع والظلم والفساد لتعلي شئنها وتحقق مكاسب سياسية , ففي المقابل كل نظام يدعي ان شعبه لا يساوي شيئا بدونه وانه صنع البلد وانه حافظ الامن وان الشعب الذي يحكمه مفتت بحكم التعدد الطائفي في المنطقة او القبلي او المناطقي او الاصولي , وهو الذي يعزز من خلال اجهزته التربوية والتعليمية والاعلامية هذا التفتت بتذرع به ليبقى ويخيف شعبه في معادلة الامن او الاصلاح ؟
الشيء الوحيد الذي يستطيع العرب فعله , هو استغلال الدعم والامال الاوروبية , تاسيس دول مدنية ديمقراطية حقيقية وتقويتها والابتعاد عن الطائفية , وربما من ثم ايجاد وسائل للتعامل مع المد الايراني من جهة والمصالح الغربية من جهة اخرى بطريقة تمكن العرب ضمن اطار تحالف سياسي اقتصادي عسكري من قلب الموازيين وكسب بعض الثقل على المستوى السيادي المحلي والسياسي الاقليمي والدولي

Friday, September 23, 2011


وطني.... يا جبل الغيم الأزرق ..... وطني...... يا قمر الندي و الزنبق
يصدح صوت فيروز يداعب  نغم  كمنجة شرقية  
يختلط بأصوات الشوارع المكتظة , بأبواق سيارات الشرطة  
وبصوت أغنية أجنبية تأتي من إحدى السيارات
 التي تبدو من هذا الارتفاع بأحد أبراج الغربة كنقطة صغيرة
كيف وصلت إلى هنا ؟ معلقا في الهواء لا ارض تحت أقدامي؟
 يجد قلب المغترب لحظات ما بين ساعات الركض وراء الحلم الأمريكي
أو أي حلم آخر ابعد أبناء الأرض عنها
ليرنو نحو الوطن
بخوف وفخر وقلق واشتياق
كمن يرى زوجته تتمخض له ابنا فيسعد و يتلهف للقائه
 لكن يخاف عليه ويقلق من ألامها وصراخها
هكذا ترقب قلوب أولائك الذين لا يملكون أن يعلموا ماذا يحدث بأوطانهم بالفعل
وما الذي ستتمخط عنه هذه النزاعات تحت شعار الحرية
هل ستولد أوطانهم من جديد؟
هل ستنبثق لهم بيوت سعيدة هنالك؟ هل ستفتح لهم منابر حرة؟ هل سترجع الأمجاد؟
أم سيفوز الطغاة ويكسرون شعوبهم من جديد؟
او يسرق البعض دم الشباب ليصنع منه مجدا خاصا به ووطنا خاصا به؟
 فيختفي الوطن الذي عرفوه ليحقق مشروع أشخاص آخرين
والأولاد هؤلاء الذين لا يعرفون أكثر مما يعرف أقرانهم في الغربة عن بلادهم
هل لديهم حنين ؟ هل يفهمون تعلق أبائهم بأرض لم يروها قط ؟
وبين رشفة مستعجلة من فنجان القهوة قبل أن يبرد ونظرة في المرآة
تتناثر الأسئلة في البال
وتتابع فيروز

وطني...... وحياتك وحياة المحبة ... شو بِني؟ ... عم اكبر وتكبر بقلبي.....

ويبقى القلب معلقا على ذلك الشباك يرنو للحظة نحو الوطن
بخوف وعجز وأمل
هل سيعود وطني؟
هل سأعود إليه؟ هل تنتهي هذه الغربة؟
وهل أجد لي مكانا فيه؟
أما زالت تلك الشجرة العظيمة هنالك؟
 أياتي يوم استفيء بها من جديد؟
انا اخاف
فان لم تحرقها الازمنة والاطماع , فهل تنجو من هذا الصراع؟
 هل ينجو وطني؟ ام ستهدر هذه الدماء ؟

وايام الي جايي جايي ..... فيها الشمس مخباية ....انت القوي وانت الغني وانت الدني  .... يا وطني

Friday, September 2, 2011

سوق الجمعة

 تنتقل في لحظة صباح فيروزي ندي
 , من شوارع عمان القديمة
, التي ما زالت تدغدغ شبابيكها الخشبية ,
 بكر اشمع الشمس ,
 وهي تقاوم لدقيقة نوم اضافية ,
 الى ضخب حي يملؤك بالصحوة ,
هذا المكان ,
كل الناس ,
 و الباعة يهتفون ,
 يسوقون بضائعهم التي فرشت تلك الساحة الكبيرة ,
تفوح رائحة القهوة من ذلك الكشك في الزاوية هنالك ,
 وتتردد في البال اغنية فيروز ,
تعانق صوت اجراس الكنيسة الكنيسة القريبة " قديش كان في ناس عالمفرق تنطر ناس ... وتشتي الدني ويحملو شمسية .." ,
يسرقك من لحظة الشرود مجموعة من السياح الاجانب ,
 يحاولون الوصول الى تلك الشماغات المعلقة هنالك ,
 ترى التمحيص في كل العيون ,
 تلك العيون لا تترك زاوية او طاولة عرض الا وتمر عليها ,
ثم يبدا التنقيب ,
  كل يريد تلك القطعة المناسبة له ,
 يبحث عن الكنز المخبا بين هذه البضائع الرخيصة ,
كل له كنزه هنا ,
 لكن عليه ان يبحث عنه جيدا ,
تفوح رائحة  السنين من المكان ,
بعض البضائع تحمل ملامح لها ,
 تحكي قصتة حياتها السابقة ,
 و بعد ان تنتهي الرحلة ,
 تنقل الغنائم الى السيارة ,
و نودع تلك الشوارع و الادراج التي ما زالت للتو تصحو

Saturday, August 13, 2011

words fail

words fail
to capture my heart
words fall short
to tell how I feel
no language has in it's vocabulary
a word that would unveil my soul
how lonely and suffocating this is
caged in my state of feeling
so sad depressed optimistic afraid loving lonely and much more
you touch my hand
you ask what's wrong
I look in your eyes
and as words have failed me
I need you to understand with out words
to reach to my heart to see into my soul
to break me out of this prison
but as words you fail
so inside my prison I cry
smiling on the out side
"It's ok , I'm ok " I say
for there are no other words to say

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

cheese cake pie

ready to use chilled pie crust
Philadelphia cheese tow packs
fine sugar
lemon jello
fresh cream.

spread the crust , then put in a buttered baking pan and bake until golden colored , about 15 mins in medium  heat .
beat 1/4 cup of cream , add 3 tb. spoons of sugar , on table spoon dissolved lemon jello , the cheese .
in a heated pan put a handful of berry's , 4 tb. spoons of sugar , 4 tb.spoons water , 1 tb. spoon lemon jello , when the mix boils let reduce to it's half on low heat .
spread the cream and cheese mix on the chilled baked crust , top with fresh berry's then power the chilled reduced berry's on top .

cherry iced tea

black tea , a handful of cherry's , sugar , lemon juice , ice , strawberry syrup 
boil water 1L in a pot ,  cut in half and seed the cherry's , add to water and let boil , when cherry's are very soft , put a fork in and crush them , add one spoon of sugar ,let boil ,turn the heat off , put in the tea , stirr and let sit until it's cooled to room temperature . then take the liquid only , add tow spoons of syrup , 1/2 spoon of lemon juice , ice . blend the mixture very well in the blender until the ice is crushed , power and garnish with fresh cherry's .   

fun fast and yummy

chicken salad :
1 rare  (not ripe ) pear
chicken breast dissed
1/2 green tomato
1/2 tomato
1 cup of cut Brusselsprouts  
1/2 cup of dissed belly pipers three colors
 basil , mint , tine , curry powder , lemon juice , mayonnaise , salt

in a hot pane , heat some oil , put in tea spoon of  crushed garlic , a pinch of crushed dried tine , basil , some salt and some chili pepper , a pinch of cinnamon .
put in the chicken , stir tell well done .
cut in half then finely slice the tomato's and the pear then mix ,
mix in the brussel sprouts , the belly peppers , and after it's chilled the chicken .
in a bowel add tow spoons of mayo to tow spoons of lemon juice and mix with salt and basil and mint and tine and curry powder . mix with the dressing . top with toasted bread crumbs .
use some stale bread dissed , add salt and some seasoning , toast in the oven .
you may add sliced black olives . 

Friday, July 1, 2011

TT ; simple

today alot of B.S. flows around
noisy nonsense blocking what's true
some people make this world sound so complicated
to avoid things they have to do
people who sugar the truth for a living
so that they don't have to tell you
the simple truths
love is simple
humanity is too
feeding the needy when we can
aiding children every where
there's no way around it
love is simple
love for humanity
love for family
love for friends
for your soul mate
or for your self
love could just be the only
simple truth
in this complicated world

Thursday, June 23, 2011

TT ; Soft

To show our soft spots
to reveal our tears
to be fragile
to trust
people to whom we show our soft
is courage
is strength
is growth
is faith
our soft is not our weakness
our walls of pretended hardness
built by our fear
guarding our loneliness
is weakness
fear is not power
courage to grow strength and gain faith
showing our soft
that is power

Thursday, June 16, 2011

TT ; Brick

in the absence of doubt
dreams flourish
we plant roses in the ashes
we grow trees of thin air
we celebrate fake triumphs
we are hopeful
we want to love
we want to be loved
we want to dream
to believe the lie
we ask people to lie to us
then we wake up and face reality
we hit a brick wall
and all we've built
finely designed dreams
high walls
with big bricks
of thin air
in the absence of doubt dreams flourish
and in the presence of it , reality hits ...


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Theme Thursday : SPAM

shek , trik , tshek
what's that noise
is it real
or am i paranoid
maybe i'm monitored
no way to avoid
signs with Add's that you can't not see
and your mind is being destroyed
camera's every were
now i'm no Froid
but i am getting aware
 that spam is getting to be
more than a  software
our walls are paper thin
and privacy is no where
so do we run away
go to isolation?
or shall we stay
in the loneliness of this crowded world
to the cyber space we convey
we accept this world
we ignore the fact
that we are getting spammed
act like those eyes aren't there
now i dn't want to be paranoid
and i'm sure the line isn't tapped
but this i know for a fact
my world is too easily spammed

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Theme Thursday ; face

shell ?
outer appearance?
true reflection of  the soul?
 faith is written on the forehead they say
lines of age on the face
like time writing it's story on the canvas of us
some have meaning for us
some have meaning for other people
some faces make you cry
some faces you make when you cry
some faces make you smile
and some you make as you smile
some faces fell you with joy
some remind you of pain
and some mean nothing at all
they pass by with your indifference
they put our faces every where
this world has even created a Face book
amazing is the human face
yet more amazing are human being's
if a shell can be all that complex
and it's only a shell
a face 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Theme Thursday ; Paper

oh dear friend
Paper of this book behold my modest gift
I give you my joy and tears
I give you my soul
and I give you
the ticks of the clock
and the noise of the street
I give you the recipe of me
words that dare not depart from my mouth
I teach you
secrets un_known to this world
I  confine in you
the scent of you
is my drug of truth
all is revealed
all masks are dropped
and I stand naked before you
so behold my modest gift
my greatest burden
with no allure  

Saturday, March 19, 2011

TT ; Luck

We put lights in the dark
and put shades in the day
we try to make the universe
to be driven  and obey
we control every thing
because we fear our weakness
we try to light a fire of wisdom
to scare away the darkness
we want to think we know all
and we dread our imperfection
our lack of absolute control 
we draw hangers in our minds
to hang our failures upon
when the world to our dreams hasn't been kind
the same world we claim to control
we don't have to rule
that is not our role
but we have to believe that in the hands of luck
we are more than a dumb doll
so never say it's bad luck
you get to choose your goals
faith just draws the path towards them 
and accept the things that you can't control 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


love ....
the un_answered truth
it's not a question
not a puzzle
in many shapes and faces it comes
sneaks upon us in a moment of death
shocks life back in us
and underneath all it's masks lies your face
all it's seasons are filled with the scent  of you
I fill to sleep and in my dream i saw
that i forgot you
my mind was no longer to draw
your face
in the space
of matter and time
I dreamed i wished no longer you were mine
I dreamed that I forgot
But I had not
and the reality of your love
came shining into my dream
blurring with it's bright light
all other imaginary delight
of freedom
in between the reality of your love
and the dream of you

I catch my self 
as the sun breaks dawn
indulging in you

in between each lame story
your story is retold through and through
every tear is dropped
every smile is smiled
all relived
through and through
and one un_answered truth is left
I love you ....

Friday, March 11, 2011

Theme Thursday : Space ....

After  once believing the moon was a god 
we now have been walking for years 
on this round chunk of cheese
into the space we traveled abroad
many of our questions've been put to ease 
and still we can't stop the tears
we do think that we play  god
but all we've known is but a tease
for the real knowledge that's abandoned our ears
those questions that we face with a careless nod
hiding the reality of our fears
for we know a lot but we know not to stop our tears


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

theme Thursday : turn

Life throws you it's road , the clock of time wont wait for any one , you have to wake , you'r heading somewhere , you've pictured the road
you get to a point where you have to turn left
unplanned turn , and this might ruin your plan
how do you get there now ?! how to deal with this new road
you see your goal behind you
your waking away from it and you can't help it
you have to walk
so what do you do?
keep dreaming? or try to forget and dream a new dream?
give up and accept it as not meant to be?
or keep on the hope that one day life will some how
have another detour for you back to that dream
that golden sparkling dream?
i guess the logical thing would be
looking forward and seeing the best way to go
setting up other goals and achieving  them
but keeping hope that one day you'll get a chance
to go down that road
to go to your golden dream
but logic doesn't make it any less sad
to walk away from that road
to your dream
even if it's just for now

a fun recipe : tuna salad

wanna have a nice mouthwatering healthy quick easy to do lunch ! or do have to bring some food to some event your a part of , will one thing for sure this tuna salad is an easy smash hit every time

you'll need:
a red , green and yellow sweet pepper
cinnamon powder
Sesame  juice ; a thick liquid that you can find in oriental section
soy sauce
a small Onion
whole wheat bread
tuna , canned or roasted fillet
some canned or frozen corn
a lemon
fresh or dried oregano
mint leaves
 preparation :
if you have your tuna as a fillet then season it with salt and pepper and put it in a heated pan with some olive oil , seven to ten minutes on each side .
finely chop your veggies 
mix to together tow table spoons of  vinegar with three table spoons of the sesame juice with a couple of table spoons of soy sauce , and the juice of one lemon , finely chop a handful of mint and add to the mix , with some crushed oregano , add a table spoon of  Cary , a tea spoon of Cinnamon , tow table spoons of yogurt , your veggies and your defrosted corn .
if your tuna is a fillet chop it to byte size pieces , then mix it all together
serve in a bowl , on top of some toasted whole grain bread
garnish with a drizzle of sesame juice , some mint leaves .

Bon appetit!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Theme Thursday ; flip

Flip flip flip the coin flipped face and back time after another
 , it reached it's ultimate hight , it seemed to freeze for a second
, it went down flipping faster and faster ,
 good and bad , days come and go ,
 flip flip flip
, like a coin , problems and nice surprises ,
people lost and new bonds made ,
 flip flip flip ,
 we flip through this space of time ,
but the question is are heading up while we flip , or accelerating downwards?
keep looking up ,
 keep heading up ,
 even if today you have bit on head and the coin flipped to tail ,
 don't lose sight of the big picture ,
 the point you want to reach
, don't say it's faith ,
we get to choose our goals faith just draws the path to them . 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Fun Thought ; a Fun Recipe

Sometimes eating healthy food can be boring , but we all have to do it so i had a fun thought to try with the most boring healthy breakfast oatmeal , it doesn't have to be without any flavor you can spice it up , easy and healthy mouthwatering oatmeal , here are tow recipes :
1- Chocolate oatmeal : it's known that a little dark chocolate is very good for you , it lefts up your mood and helps prevent heart disease , all you need is you oatmeal and some skimmed milk some cocoa powder and dark semisweet chocolate chips , heat up your skimmed milk to a boiling point then add your cocoa powder , your can add some honey for sweetness or a bit of crushed nuts (hazelnut is my Favorite ) for essential fats , then stir in your oatmeal , when it's done garnish your bowl with a table spoon of those dark chocolate chips , yummmmm .

2- Apple pie oatmeal : who doesn't like apple pie ? , will you need a green apple pealed and finely chopped , skimmed milk and oatmeal of course , some honey and some grinned Cinnamon or as a stick , boil your milk and then add a tea spoon of cinnamon and a table spoon of honey and your apple then add your oatmeal , when ready you can garnish with an extra sprinkle of cinnamon on top .

THINK FUN and try out other flavors with oatmeal or other ways to make your healthy boring meals extra yummmmy!   

Thursday, January 13, 2011

theme Thursday : JUMP!

JUMP get up now off te computer and jump try it close your eyes imagine that your gonna fly if you jump high enough get some one to do it with u , how much better would it be , when we feel blue and down if instead of dramatical waterworks we jumped and jumped until we are breathless and laughing with this sheer childish joy , now if you excuse me i'm gonna JUMP! a couple of times JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! the  blues away ! 
:)  :)  :)  :)  :) 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Easy A

We watched a movie today , our first movie to watch together , it was on his laptop in the shop a movie right out of his laptop bag nothing planned for , Easy A that's the title , it couldn't have been a better choice a smart funny romantic realistic comedy , with some love scenes to hold hands while watching , it was a really good fun recommended for every one as a movie for a date night :) very happy tonight

Sunday, January 9, 2011

what do i want?

what do i want? what does any one want? to be happy right? will would think so , then wy do i want to suffer why do i shred my heart to peaces ? why don't i love my self ? why don't i choose to make my self happy , smile , laugh , and walk away from the things that bring pain to my life , if only things where tis simple hhhhhhh , i can only wish , but who can go back to being blind after he has seen the light even if it gives him a headache? even a migran? had he never seen the light he wouldn't miss it as much he can be happy being blind but the task is much harder for those who have seen the light , his love is like a drug , i'm killing my self with it slowly and i know it , i say i'll quit in a year or tow not now , but i'm really just kidding my self , i don't know how to stop this pain , it's killing me and i want to be happy but i don't know how , how do i become blind again? how do i stop this migrane ? what would be less miserable staying in a relation ship with him while loving him and knowing he doesn't love me , or walking away and loving him from a distance? and is there another way? away to  be happy just simply happy oh god how lonely love can be , my mind is tired and so is my heart , what should i do???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i don't want to cry any more , please god tell me how do i stop this pain  !

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Theme Thursday : Stairs : MOVE!

Standing on this huge staircase , staircases you have climbed and one's yet to come hide behind the corners , stairs are so wide that you can never see there side ends , and more people than you know are running up and down those stairs , some hold your hand going up and others got your back when your about to fall , there are also of course those who try to push you down with them and pull you back trying to move up , people you have passed staircases away suddenly are there next to you and others that you looked up to and tried to follow pass you when they're falling down , put your feet steadily one at a time , keep your head up high and look forward to the next set of stairs , although you might have people with you for a good time of your climb you really are on your own so don't wait for any one to push you up you be your own best friend , amazing and mighty are the stairs of life .

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just Tired

You know  that a fight or an argument is stupid and is fueled by feelings irrelevant to the subject of the fight when you can't remember what it was about in the first place or how it even started , and at some point you have to accept that some problems you can't solve you just have to try to ignore them and minimize there effect on your life , love and death or tow of the few absolutes in life , and the pain that death or love from one side is like AIDS it's incurable , but you can learn to live with it , and at some point you have to really accept that and stop repeating words and realizing in the middle of an argument that your making a rerun out of your life , I'm tired of fighting and I have to accept the fact that he will never love me and try to make the best out of the time that i have left with him .

Old Baggage
It's odd how long we carry unnecessary burdens around . hoping that time will heal us! . time heals nothing we have to gather the courage to look at our infected and neglected wounds and care for them and work to heal them . we both had difficult childhoods , I have a very bad father , he has hurt me and my family a lot , and though i still live with him i'm emotionally disconnected from him so can't really hurt me  a lot now .but i had carried the huge pain and many insecurities with me from that relation ship , my inner dialog is self destructive and   I realize that i have to change that , being a victim is a choice and I should choose to be victorious instead , i should take matters in my hand and care more for my self . I learned that from him , can you see why I love him so much ?      

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Theme Thursday : maps ; the map of my world

We all live in the same world yet our perception of it is so diverse from one person to another , you can almost say that your perception of the world "your world " is the truest reflection of your mind , so if I had to draw a map for my world ; for any one that has to instantly be in my shoes not to be lost in my world I guess this is how it would look like :